Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 71 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 69

A friend ’ s teen daughter who has high-functioning autism enjoys her pet birds . She is aware of their heartbeats , and she notices their beautiful eyelashes . Most wouldn ’ t see these special elements of birds . Maria ’ s sensitivity is an amazing gift , and her caring for all animals is inspiring .

THE BENEFITS OF PETS WITH AUTISM : Maria ’ s Birds Heal Her Spirit


A friend ’ s teen daughter who has high-functioning autism enjoys her pet birds . She is aware of their heartbeats , and she notices their beautiful eyelashes . Most wouldn ’ t see these special elements of birds . Maria ’ s sensitivity is an amazing gift , and her caring for all animals is inspiring .

Animals are great healers for many children , especially those with autism . Animals open up their hearts and touch their spirits in such a way to help them expand their social skills . Kids with pets are said to do better socially with animals , and they are more likely to introduce themselves to others ask for information and respond to people ’ s questions .

It is said a child ’ s assertiveness is stronger when he / she owns a pet . Kids are happier and talk more when animals are present . If a child with autism bonds with a pet , he / she can gain self-confidence and self-esteem . Kids with autism often become more accepting of sharing and interacting with other kids and their parents .
Pets are great distractions from life ’ s everyday stressors . They say pets help reduce anxiety as they often provide sensory stimuli , and petting an animal can make a child feel better . Pets can even help children learn responsibility and how to care about others . Maria is a great example of all of this . Over the years I have seen her bloom and grow . She adores sharing her pet birds with me whenever I visit her home . She enjoys our dogs and cats . I can see a wonderful peace in her that the animals bring . Pets show unconditional love and acceptance of without judgment . Trust is learned as well as respect , commitment , problem-solving skills , and language skills .
Keeping a pet happy and healthy can also give children a sense of freedom and accomplishment . Animal companions make kids feel like they are a part of something , connected to life in positive , useful ways — special bonds form , and kids feel loved for who they are and belong to something beautiful .
Paula Timpson , MA , special education , is the Mum of a 10-year-old boy who is her forever Muse . A published poetess , her poetry books , including In Praise of Autistic Children , can be found on Amazon .
Websites : paulaspoetryworld . blogspot . com & http :// paulaspoems . blogspot . com
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 71 | 69