Authentically You Magazine A Mother's Joy May 2017 | Page 63

A Mother ' s Love

A Mother ’ s Joy is hearing that there will be another human being growing inside of your body . The joy of knowing that you are able to bear what God intended for a Woman .
A Mother ’ s Joy is a surrogate who is able to give a child to another Woman that is unable to naturally have her own .
A Mother ’ s Joy is being able to watch what was once a tiny cell inside of you flourish to an abundant flower right before your eyes .
A Mother ’ s Joy is being able to sit around a kitchen table and laugh , cry , scream , joke , play , eat , drink and rest with ease because you have produced so much authenticity in each child that is sitting with you .
She has unconditional love for you and everyone else . Family is vital to her . She yearns it , adores it , needs it , cares for it .
A Mother ’ s Joy is instilled in most before becoming a mother . She had a so-called life before you came into the world . She was free to move about as she pleases .
She was free to brush her teeth twice a day as instructed . She would have self-care twice a month like clockwork . She was able to dine with her friends , go on as many dates as she planned , spend a plethora of time with her boyfriend . Her home was immaculate and organized and well put together as if it were a model home .
A Mother ’ s joy is getting up every ten minutes for sometimes unknown reasons . Kissing your wound when you fall down at two years old knowing that it is not the cure for a broken leg , but you feel better anyway . Getting that first drawing when you were three years old and told to hang it on the refrigerator with the other art gallery displays although she wants to put it in the trash because it does not go with her kitchen décor . She is cleaning up blocks that are all over the house every thirty minutes because you cannot decide if you want to play with the blocks or just watch her run around like a chicken with her head cut off picking up behind you .
Cooking various meals as if she was the chef at Burger King because everyone does not want to eat Liver and onions with mashed potatoes and peas for dinner . Fighting through traffic to drop you off at cheerleading practice and your brother and younger sister at soccer practice on time , both beginning at 5pm and she left the house at 4:45pm , but one drop off is 20 minutes from the house and the other 10 minutes from there .
A Mother ’ s joy is no longer looking her best 15 years later because she has been on active duty since and has no more life , self-care ability , fashion sense or time management . She has now become a robot that is self-charged . A Mother ’ s Joy is knowing that her best friend ( s ) are always around and with her to encourage her when she needs it and does not think she needs it most , knowing that she is appreciated at all times no matter what .
A Mother ’ s joy is knowing that she does her work through the Lord and with the fear of him she will be praised . She strives to be the Proverbs 31 Mom , the ultimate priceless jewel .
To all the past , present , and future moms , your years of service will never amount to enough money , time , energy or sleepless nights that have been or will be taken from you . I salute you !
Nisha Williams www . icoach4uservices . com
Authentically You Magazine 63 # AMothersJoy