Authentic Learning in Online Environments October 2013 | Page 23


By embracing this journey by the telling of stories through our digital moments, we share emotion and empathy; it serves to remind us that when working with technology or beginning something new one can feel both intense frustration as well as sheer exultation. Likewise, when a tale is told it is generally not done without involving emotion, thus exposing the researcher in ways not found in other forms of writing. With this of course comes the risk of possible ridicule or the failure to make an emotional connection with the reader, but it has been said that a life without risks is no life at all.

It is important to note that both co-authors experienced this teaching style as students with the lead author. Their inclusion in this paper is testament to the power of digital moments to create lasting relationships in online environments. They too are advocates for creative expression, multi-modal learning, and the inclusion of alternative forms of assessment. Besides the large body of research attesting to the merits of a more creative approach to learning, it also nurtures multiple intelligences and allows the more timid or those left behind to ultimately find their voice. Moreover, there are some things that just cannot be articulated through text, and words cannot always convey what you wish to say. So perhaps it is time to not only transform one’s practice, but to also transform academia’s shades of grey with a little splash of colour.

Digital Moments / Oct 2013 23