Australian Water Management Review Vol. 1 2014 | Page 79

Monitoring your soil water has never been so EASY! W T NE DUC O PR SentekPlus All-in-one Soil Moisture Plus Management Solution access tube required in the standard method. Additional time is saved in the removal of the need for cleaning and drying of the access tube. Still further savings are made with the removal of the need for sealing the base of the tube with a bung whilst in the field. This is done with a PVC end cap, glued at the factory. Driving down on the bottom of the access tube with a drop hammer, rather than hitting the top with a sledge hammer, also makes for more efficient use of energy. Water infiltration tests have shown preferential path flow problems are minimised using this new technique. Any initial preferential path flow was shown to heal itself within three weeks in both sand and clay. This means that data integrity is maintained to Sentek’s high standards. Set up time and both transport and tooling costs are reduced with the new method, as fewer custom tools are &WV