Australian Water Management Review Vol. 1 2014 | Page 62

i2o innovAtion releAses 30% operAtor tiMe, Cuts energY Costs And leAkAge rAtes for MAnilA WAter Manila Water provides water and wastewater services to more than 6.2 million people in the East Zone of the Philippines’ capital city. The area comprises one million households, served by more than 800,000 water service connections. Since its formation in 1997, Manila Water has spent more than USD $85 million on infrastructure improvements, which have increased water availability and improved the service levels to customers across the city. N. Domingo Pump Station has a 54 MLD capacity with three 100 HP pumps, one fitted with a variable speed drive (VSD) and two with fixed speed drives. However, the pumps require manual intervention via SCADA interface to manage pressure and demand. The Solution In November 2011, the i2O Pump Pressure Optimisation solution was installed at the N. Domingo Pump Station. The pump controller was housed in the programmable logic controller cabinet, and a pressure sensor was installed at the critical point in the network. Service levels had been set to a minimum of 18m and a maximum of 25m. Prior to the installation of the i2O system, pressure at the critical point dipped below 18m for 12 per cent of the time, and dropped to 15m during peak periods. In contrast, for eight hours a day pressure was typically 5m over the 25m threshold. The Challenge The region covered by Manila Water’s network includes areas of high elevation, which require pumps to maintain a constant supply of water and to keep water pressure at specified levels. The company operates 26 pumping stations to supply water to its customers and to feed storage facilities. Pumping all of this water requires a significant amount of energy which, combined with some of the most expensive power rates in Asia, mean that pumping costs are one of the company’s biggest operating expenses. Manila Water was keen to find a way to improve efficiency, reduce its energy use, optimise pressure across the network, reduce volumes of non-revenue water and improve customer service levels. “We’d heard about i2O at an industry water loss conference,” said Jalil B. Madueño, Manager of Production Planning and Control at Manila Water. “We decided to pilot i2O’s Pump Pressure Optimisation solution in the N. Domingo Pump Station, one of our newly rehabilitated pump stations.” N. Domingo Pump Station supplies a wide range of domestic and commercial customers, including hospitals, hotels, schools and colleges. As a result, the area has very high and very variable demand for water, with flows ranging from 40 l/s at night, up to 175 l/s during peak demand. Pressure variations were leading to excessive wear and tear on the network, resulting in bursts and high water loss. As well as high levels of leakage, the area was failing to meet its agreed customer service levels for pressure on a daily basis. 56 | AustrAliAn water man age m e nt re v ie w The i2O pump solution was configured to automatically control the VSD pump, and to switch the two fixed speed pumps on and off as required, to ensure customer service levels were consistently achieved without creating excess pressure in the network. A primary requirement for the technology was that it could manage the complex pump set-up without compromising customer service. To ensure the system operated smoothly, 24 hours a day, the i2O solution was fully integrated with the existing SCADA system, with real-time alarms to notify the plant manager of any issues. The Results i2O’s technology has delivered significant savings for Manila Water. By pumping at lower pressures and at lower throughput, the N. Domingo Pumping Station now uses significantly less energy, which in turn lowers the company’s operational costs. Energy use has been reduced by 283kWh per day, which equates to annual savings of £12,866 (827,000 PhP) for this one pump station. Weekday leakage has been reduced by 14 per cent and weekend leakage by 22 per cent. This equates to an average of 580,000 litres per day, with an average overall saving of 18 per cent. This has reduced costs by £7,200 (480K PhP) per annum. Burst rates have also been reduced due to lower maximum pressures and smoother control of pressure. The company now achieves its daily customer service levels for pressure 99.8 per cent of the time, compared to just 88 per cent of the time before the i2O system was installed. The total combined savings resulting from lower leakage levels and lower energy consumption are £20,066 (1.3 million PhP) per annum. “Thanks to i2O’s technology we have unlocked around 30 per cent of our operators’ time, as they no longer need to manually schedule and carry out changes,” said Madueño. “As a result, they are able to spend more time on strategic issues, such as maintenance, checking stocks and planning. “Controlling the variable speed pumping to automatically optimise pressure has been extremely successful for us, and we’ve seen impressive results from using i2O so far. “The i2O system has given us much better visibility of pump performance, which enables us to make better decisions. The fact that we can access and view the system 24 hours a day means we can react faster and improve our response time, which in turn is further increasing our customer service levels,” said Madueño. “With wider deployment, we estimate that it could extend the life of our infrastructure by around five to ten years. This will not only help us safeguard our assets, but also lower capital expenditure over the longer term.” Manila Water has now identified another eight pump stations as potential sites for i2O systems, which the company expects to deploy in the coming months. Return on investment • Energy savings of 283kWh per day, reducing energy costs by £12,866 (827,000 PhP) per year. • Leakage reduced by 580,000 litres per day delivering 18% average saving. • Customer service levels achieved 99.8% of the time, up from 88% before i2O deployment. • Manpower efficiencies – automation releases 30% of operators’ time. • Zero impact on customer service during testing and implementation. • Reliable network performance data improves decision making. • Infrastructure life extended by five to ten years. • Reductions in longer term investment and capital expenditure. • Total annual cost savings of £20,000 (1.3m PhP).