Australian Water Management Review Vol. 1 2014 | Page 103

However, as the practice of stormwater harvesting is continued and more projects are commissioned in the years to come, the design paradigm for stormwater harvesting should be further developed and validated. Stormwater Harvesting guidelines One of the major barriers to the wider uptake of SWH particularly by Local Government is the absence of comprehensive SWH guidelines. Such a guideline would allow the proponents of the schemes (Councils, regulators, consultants, contractors and other stakeholders’ groups) to have a uniform reference document outlining current best practice including legislative framework, design / functionality, construction, operation and maintenance. This document, once developed could offer comprehensive guidelines for implementation of storm water harvesting schemes in Australia as part of an Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) approach, based on current legislation, best available engineering science and practical lessons learnt during planning, design, construction and operation of