Australian Govlink | Page 35

Manage your lighting requirements with LED
Remote systems for controlling sporting field lighting are available and are dedicated to a city ’ s public lighting manager or lighting operators to remotely manage the lighting without being present at the field . Today , the lighting operator has little to no insight with regards to how the lighting installations are used and in turn , are using more energy than needed .
With remote access , operators can see which fields are occupied and when the last training ends . The operator can remotely manage the lighting through a software application . Because of the monitoring functionality the operator has full transparency on when , where , and how much lighting has been used . In addition , monitors data of the lighting system , such as energy consumption , system failures , abnormal operation conditions , and switch off moments . This data is complied and displayed on a dashboard allowing the user manage the lighting schedule based on the facilities requirements . This enable improved budgeting and optimises efficiency .