Australian Govlink Issue 3 2016 | Page 70

66 OHS-WHS New challenges Current systems of injury prevention and compensation were established in the 1970s and 1980s to address the problems of the time. But the world of work is changing. Musculoskeletal conditions, traditionally the major type of workplace injury, are becoming less prevalent, whereas work-related mental health conditions are becoming more common. We have more workers with insecure jobs, we work longer hours on average, and workplace stress has been growing. But while we have been effective at reducing workplace risk for physical injuries in Australia, we have not paid the same attention to risk factors for mental health conditions. (See Work-related mental health issues below) Work-related mental health issues Number of serious claims due to mental disorders, 2000-01 to 2011-12 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 2000-01 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics Get the data This change represents a big new challenge for employers as well as government prevention and compensation agencies. It must be coupled with changing workplace culture to address the discrimination GOVLINK ยป ISSUE 3 2016 and stigma that many workers with mental health conditions experience. Some government-led and employerfocused initiatives are now tackling these issues, but much more needs to be done. Only time will tell whether the changes governments make to create better workplaces and safety nets for workers will be effective for addressing the new ways we work.