Australian Esoteric Issue 6 | Page 31

FUTURE VISION The Shift in Human Consciousness by Mary Rodwell This excerpt is taken from Mary Rodwell’s book, The New Human – Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage, and reproduced here with her permission. Image Credit: I believe that a shift in human consciousness is occurring, which alerts the individual to their previous, and indeed collective, ‘sleep state’ of conditioned reality. For some, this shift occurs through a sighting of a UFO or extraterrestrial encounter, a ‘near-death experience’ (NDE), out-of-body experience (OBE), a profound grief event, kundalini awakening, a shamanic journey or even a hypnotic regression. There are some, however, born consciously awake, appearing in ever growing numbers, most often in the new generations of children. For example, the young child who announces to his/her parents that they ‘do not come from here,’ their ‘real family’ is in space. However this shift occurs, it inspires the individual to seek truth and is ultimately transformative. The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters’ (FREE) has recently initiated in-depth surveys. This organization has facilitated the very first complex and in-depth surveys into those who have experienced Contact with nonhuman intelligent beings. This academic study is co-chaired by Dr. Jon Klimo, retired professor of Psychology and Dr. Bob Davis, a retired professor of Neuroscience, coupled with an advisory committee of experienced researchers and therapists. It is a comprehensive, multilingual, academic research study on