Australian Esoteric Issue 6 | Page 26

language, and from our point of view its discovery is enough on its own to validate Slater’s work. Photo by Samarah Wood Discovered by an “amateur archaeologist”(15) the rock is small but the message monumental in implications. Slater listed the symbols that stand for the Gods/ten principles of life as a circle beginning with one ray then increasing one by one until reaching the pinnacle, a circle with nine rays. The tenth symbol is unlike the preceding nine and represented with a symbol that looks something like a horse shoe. This nine-rayed sun is the most sacred symbol and has a primary definition, “the guide to truth”(16) which can be extended to mean “the guide to the soul brought in with the unity to life.”(17) So sacred is this iconic symbol, it reaches across to the mathematical realms in symbolising the number nine and also depicts “one of the first forms of the cross.”(18) rock. However, it is obvious it was chiselled or marked in some fashion before the nine-rayed sun was engraved, nevertheless, that line looks much newer and the end result of a more refined blade. This is not unexpected, in fact the appearance of older yet more delicate and straight lines, is a feature we have commented on in previously articles on Ros’ Rocks 1 and 2. Third Time Proves it The three artefacts stand united in defence of the Standing Stones. Slater wrote of the alignments, angles and interplay of shapes found on the “shaped stones” we have seen in abundance on the slope and paddock below, and surely the seven-sided rock we have presented is a fine example of a sophisticated technology we are assured by experts never existed. Granted of all the recent rocks examined this is the least imposing, smaller with a cruder worn cut and the central stone circle long gone, and it doesn’t need a geologist to realise that the engraving on this rock is old. That being the case, the straight vertical line that cuts through three rays is markedly different. In the same nebulous non-category is Ros’ Rocks 2, the letter A belongs to an alphabet those versed in the development of early languages deny was spoken. The engraved nine-rayed sun is a seminal part of an Original sacred language that has never been recognised in any academic arena since Slater’s last public statements in 1939. We have copies of Slater’s original notes and the detailed map he made of the Standing sites site a few months before it was destroyed, we have his account of the sacred Original words and their meanings, we have mapped the two mounds and examined many shaped and marked rocks and we have seen an example of the alphabet and the most important of the ten sacred symbols that tell “the whole story of creation.”(19) Sharper, cleaner with a deep cut, it is the most impressively constructed line on the Regrettably the liberal use of the plural we in the last sentence is an ‘us and them’