Australian Esoteric Issue 6 | Page 23

interest to students of the origin and history of Freemasonry .”( 11 ) We included this final somewhat bizarre excursion into secret handshakes , coloured robes and European rituals simply because the exact same observation was made by Professor Elkin ( first professor of Anthropology at Sydney University ). In 1931 he was in marginal to no contact with some Original people in the Kimberleys ( WA ), but could not break the linguistic stalemate . None of the neighbouring dialects were successful and Elkin was unable to strike a compromise until these naked , illiterate nomads used “ ancient secret Masonic hand signs . He was struck by the startling sematic features present in the natives .”( 12 ) With Elkin ’ s ear now attuned to their cosmopolitan repertoire he then noticed that “ many of the words spoken were of Egyptian origin .”( 13 ) Of course , if Elkin had been fully acquainted with the entire Original historical narrative and First Language he would have reversed the parameters , geography and his last statement in observing that ‘ many of the Egyptian words spoken were of Original origin .’
This brings us back to the Standing Stones site , as happens so often . All of the words spoken , which spread everywhere and is from the very beginning , are sourced from a common Original First Language ( Murrigiwalda ). Once Slater was granted access to this disclosure from antiquity he set to work translating the rock arrangements , markings , letters , angles and symbols that were placed on that mound . Of course , once destroyed and bulldozed in 1940 the old maxim of out of sight out of mind certainly overwhelmed his research and the revelations encoded . Yes we have his notes and are aware that he
had compiled over 28,000 words which was incomplete and only a part of this language , but where is the proof today ? The many who dismiss or deliberately look elsewhere will and do contend that these claims of marked rocks displaying angles , markings , shapes and geometry beyond the reach of any Original rock , stick and bone technology , needs rocksolid evidence in support before any credence can be awarded .
Shaped , Sharp with Seven Sides And that is a reasonable objection and until addressed leaves his notes unsupported and the site still unrecognised . The shaped rocks were the only medium we had presented in some quantity , but in our haste to cover all bases the quality and masonry skills required in at least one rock recovered deserve more consideration and a closer inspection with the assistance of Samarah ’ s camera and lens . The shaped stone Samarah photographed was found at Emu ’ s Nest , which is close to the mounds and quite similar in many respects to most of the stones still laying in the paddock beneath the larger and smaller mounds . Despite what is shared this rock is unique in one important respect , all the rocks visible lying on the ground that were originally on the mound have eroded to varying degrees . There isn ’ t one rock that hasn ’ t escaped the impact of weathering , run off or contact with soggy soil .
Photo by Samarah Wood