Australian Esoteric Australian Esoteric Issue 4 | Page 12

days on the popular topic of ‘The Law of Attraction (LOA),’ and Ocular Transmission enables one to cultivate and achieve fixed attention, while the pineal receptor works in drawing the object of desire to oneself. It is advisable to first activate the line from the Intelligible or Solar Heart to the eyes before establishing your needs and wants, firstly because the Psyche, seated in the solar centre, is the best judge for what is right for us and, secondly, our aims have more chance of success if we believe in them ‘with all our heart.’ The reason why so many LOA practitioners fail in their attempts is they accept the validity of what their brain- based ego-self thinks it wants, when all the while there is a conflict going on at the subconscious level between the head and the heart. Passionate beliefs of the heart will usually trump the capricious fancies of the brain. With the two-way function of our ocular transceivers in mind, what result could be expected if the age-old art of ‘Sun-gazing’ was applied to transmitting our intentionally focused energy to the Sun, instead of just passively receiving its light and life-force? The ritual of Sun-gazing has had a recent surge in popularity. It was practised by the Ancient Egyptians and Aztecs. Medical practitioners still warn of its potential dangers and I stress that my purpose is not to encourage untrained persons to engage in it, but rather to recommend that those interested should first investigate it thoroughly and talk to existing practitioners, before embarking on any experiments of their own. Those who claim success with it started at a minute or so per day and built up their exposure over years. Sunrise and Sunset are the preferred times to gaze at the Sun. An informative source is the movie, ‘Eat the Sun’, available on line 4 , or start with the trailer on You-Tube 5 . Among the yogis of India throughout the centuries there have been those adept in deriving all their physical energy requirements from the Sun, while refraining from eating food. In his best- selling book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda wrote of one such lady called Giri Bala and says to her, “Your nourishment is derived from the finer energies of the air and sunlight, and from the cosmic power that recharges your body through the medulla oblongata.” 6 [Those ‘finer energies’ are also referred to as the Pneuma, Chi or life-force]. He predicts that, “Someday scientists will discover how man can live directly on solar energy,” comparing it to the way chlorophyll collects and stores the Sun’s energy in plants. Paramahansa Yogananda cites a speech made by Dr Geo. W Crile in the USA back in 1933 as follows: “This all important radiation, which releases electrical currents for the body’s electrical circuit, the nervous system, is given food by the Sun’s rays. Atoms, Dr Crile says, are solar systems. Atoms are the vehicles that are filled with solar radiance as so many coiled springs. These countless atomfuls of energy are taken in as food. Once in the human body, these tense vehicles, the atoms, are discharged in the body’s protoplasm, the radiance furnishing new chemical energy, new electrical currents. ‘Your body is made up of such atoms,’ Dr Crile said. ‘They are your muscles, brains, and sensory organs, such as the eyes and ears’.” 7 This concurs with the Chinese teachings of the Tao. Here I quote from ‘The Secret Teachings of the Tao Te Ching’ by Mantak Chia and Tao Huang: “Taoist practice focuses on restoring this direct connection with the cosmic source (light particles) so that we regain the ability directly live from light energy. As we develop this capacity, we become less and less dependent on eating plants and