Austin Travis County Integral Care Annual Report Fiscal Year 2015 | Page 5

to health equity and disparities among individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Our cultural competency training initiative allows us to deliver person-centered care that improves a client’s care experience and leads to better health outcomes. As we anticipate and respond to shifts in the healthcare landscape, we look for collaborative opportunities within the community that create the greatest benefits for clients. In continuing to advance health equity for underserved communities, Integral Care recently partnered with the Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin and Huston-Tillotson University to bring Dr. William Lawson to Austin as an advisor and faculty member. Dr. Lawson, an expert in health disparities among minority populations, Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, along with also manages the Sandra Joy Anderson Community provisions within the Affordable Care Act, establish Health and Wellness Center. The center, operated parity requirements for most insurance policies and by our partner, CommUnityCare, offers integrated move us closer to a more equitable model of care. behavioral and primary health care to students and the community. Collaboration can be a positive In closing, we’re thrilled to report that others catalyst for change. We are proud to partner with have acknowledged the importance of accessible these institutions and look forward to the benefits this mental healthcare and the benefits it creates for collaboration will bring to our city. all. Recent years have seen increased investments Integral Care doesn’t operate in a bubble. As we work to better serve our clients, improve our systems and respond to the in m