AUGUST 2017 The Next Chapter | Page 69

3. Freedom from confusion. God is not a God of confusion, but of order and peace (see 1 Corinthians 14:33). It’s easy to feel confused because we have so much information coming at us all the time. Eat dairy – no, don’t eat dairy! Get a certain health test every year – wait, it’s not necessary! Stay out of the sun – or, make sure you’re getting some sun because you need the Vitamin D. Then there are the endless opinions from news outlets, social media, and the latest “thought leaders.” Tips, hacks, and short- cuts that are supposed to make your life easier can just make you feel like you’re not doing enough, and you’re not good at whatever you ARE doing. Don’t know what to do about some- thing? Follow peace – that’s how the Holy Spirit leads us. Not sure you have a peaceful leading yet? Here’s some advice that helps me: when in doubt, don’t. Wait until you have peace and clarity. If you ask God for clarity, wisdom, and guidance – He will give it to you because He gives wisdom liberally when we ask for it (see James 1:5). God is not the author of confusion (again, see 1 Corinthians 14:33), so if your mind is spinning over “what to do,” that is NOT from the Lord! 4. Freedom from conflict. Having running gun battles with yourself, God, or other people steals your energy and your abil- ity to enjoy your life and for others to enjoy being around you! “But you don’t know what they did to me,” you may cry. I hear you. But if having the same conversation (or argument) with yourself, others, or God isn’t producing results, STOP! This isn’t to say you shouldn’t bring good, Godly correction when need- ed. But stop fighting to have your way all the time. Forgiveness is a mindset and a behavior, not an emotion. You will almost never “feel like” forgiving someone, but if you want to feel free, you will have to do it. Every Friday in July I will post a new blog that goes further into detail on these ideas. There’s even a video in case you’d rather watch (or listen) than read. Come join me at www.One-Derful- - I also have more articles, videos, and ideas that will help you live your most One-Derful Life! SHEMAGAZINE.COM AUGUST 2017 69