Aug/Sep 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue Aug/Sep 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 41

But how do we engage in any of these nurturing activities when we are overwhelmed and having difficulty focusing? I have been hearing from so many clients and friends that they are struggling to focus right now and complete tasks. Part of this challenge comes from all of the changes we are having to adjust to during the pandemic and the stress we are experiencing as a result. When we are stressed our amygdala, or the fight flight part of our brain, is activated. The amygdala is programed to search for danger and assess whether we are safe or not. As result we may be hyper vigilant to what is happening around us to make sure we stay safe. Unfortunately, this makes it really difficult to stay focused and complete tasks. In addition, we may be experiencing waves of intense emotions crashing over us like grief, sadness, anxiety, fear, and anger that impact our ability to focus. And that does not even take into account supporting all the other people in our lives that are also having a difficult time! Navigating all these unknowns is incredibly challenging and so it is remarkable that we are doing as well as we are. If you have been struggling, please know that you are not alone. Try not to judge or criticize yourself if you are having trouble focusing and instead respond to yourself with understanding and compassion. Choosing a nurturing response to ourselves when we are struggling can make all the difference and begin to shift things for us. Once we realize how normal it is under these stressful circumstances to have difficulty focusing then we can figure out what is the next most nurturing thing we can do. Investing our energy in something within our control during these uncertain times may “Knowing Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – JOSHUA J. MARINE be the wisest and most empowering thing we can do. Indeed, investing our energy in self-nurturing practices can change our day for the positive and create ripples effects throughout our lives. So, my invitation to you today is to try a nurturing activity for five minutes a day for the next 21-days. You can engage in the same activity each day or try a new activity. Since it can take 21-days to create a habit, I am encouraging you to commit to 21-days. If that feels like way too much commitment, make it seven days. Give yourself the opportunity to focus for five minutes a day on something that could nurture you and notice the impact on your well-being. Start a timer, bring your attention to the practice and notice how you feel at the end of the 5-minutes. If you were able to stay focused, acknowledge and celebrate yourself! If you had difficulty, return again HEALTH & WELLNESS 41