Aug/Sep 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue Aug/Sep 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 28

SEEING LIFE THROUGH A POSITIVE LENS HELPS YOU EMBRACE CHANGE. mindfulness moving by taking your mind, body, and spirit for a walk. Start your practice by going outside in nature for a fifteen-minute walk. As you walk, focus on your steps and how your body feels as it moves one step in front of the other. Observe yourself taking a step forward toward the future and then releasing your back foot, letting go of the past. The space between your steps is the present. Pay attention to this space with present awareness as you walk. Take Deep Breaths: Slowing down and deepening your breath draws more oxygen into your body which reduces fear and restores balance to your nervous system. Focus on your breath, inhaling through your nose and exhaling out your mouth. On your inhale count up to five seconds as you breathe in, and on your exhale draw your breath out for ten seconds. Practice this until your breath is rhythmic, moves from your chest to your belly, and you feel calm and centered. A regular deep breathing practice can keep you from holding your breath in fear and remind you to move forward. Trust Divine Timing: Sometimes when you feel stuck, it’s not that you’re not moving forward, it’s just that the timing isn’t right. This is when you must trust divine timing, not physical time. Know that the universe is conspiring with you, but does so in keeping with its own elevated timetable. Trust the divine unfolding of your life even if it’s not as you expected. When you let go of any expectations, outcomes, or plans, you will feel more likely to make a change and move forward. Allow things to be as they are without resistance. Breathe and let it all be. Shift Your Perspective: Seeing life through a positive lens helps you embrace change. A change of scenery can do wonders to give you a new perspective. Take some time off and travel to a different place even if it’s taking a new way home from work. Appreciate the positive experiences in your life by attending to the present moment. Dwelling on your blessings and what’s working in your life will improve your mood. Ask for Positive Feedback: When you are stuck, you’re not in the present awareness where new possibilities exist. You shut down this open feedback loop through judgment, rigid beliefs and negative thoughts. Your brain is in default mode bringing up the same past patterns and conditioned reactions. To break this negative feedback loop, ask for positive, corrective feedback from the people in your life that support you unconditionally, your 28 | August / September 2020