Attune Magazine January 2013 | Page 59

We are made of those very same atoms, and it follows that we burden or lighten the karmic load of impressions for everyone in the multiverse with every action just as surely as passing electrons along a chain of atoms will move a charge down a wire or a nerve path.

These passing on of impressions and experiences embedded in our chemistry is a stunning revelation- it shows how experiences of stress and fear create histamine responses- which trigger certain receptors, which become sensitized to repeated experiences of fear or rage.

As these experiences build on each other, the capacity to feel other things becomes diminished. A person becomes addicted to their rage, and tortured by their fear. All else falls away, and the entire life of the organism becomes a quest to manufacture the chemistry that will shore up the pathology and keep it going.

Destructive actions and revenge against the original aggressor can be taken out on an innocent proxy for no particular reason except opportunity, when the compulsion becomes sufficiently urgent. The way out is to become conscious enough to accomplish a pattern- interruption, and break out of the habit of rage, before getting to the point of establishing the pattern of lashing out, and /or self-destruction.

This kind of change requires a high degree of determination and self-awareness. The knowledge that assures us that we can effect what happens in our lives is a crucial part of our ability to effect our survival of this crisis.