AST Digital Magazine February 2017 AST Digital Magaiinse Volume 10 | Page 63

Volume 10
Feb 2017 Edition

Less Lethal Munitions Assure Timely Delivery to US Market

Systems Integrate to Provide Critical Security Against the Active
You are worried about Officer safety , public safety and subject safety .
It is with these objectives in mind that Lamperd has created an exceptional line of Less Lethal firearms / delivery systems and munitions ranging from 9mm to 50 caliber and impact rounds from 37 to 40 MM .
Law Enforcement officers face overwhelming challenges in dealing with a wide range of disruptions and in making split second decisions . Many of the existing technologies employed today are quite limited and require extensive training . LESS LETHAL SOLUTIONS
The Defender I is the only true solution to these challenges .
It is a five shot , compact , lightweight hand held revolver delivering 20-Gauge incapacitating projectiles and is the only Less Lethal Delivery System that allows officers INSTANT ROUND IDENTIFICATION in critical situations .
Whether this is for crowd control , airports , border crossing , security officers at Government agencies and Banks or even for day to day Police encounters , the Defender I offers superb solutions to deal with all these conflicts .
The Defender I deploys distraction rounds , pepper rounds , scientific less lethal rounds , training and blast rounds . ( An example of one option , the Defender I – 20 gauge Defender 1 vs active shooter scenario . Courtesy of Lamperd
Less Lethal and YouTube )
( Interlocking riot shields & Defender 1 Less Lethal Launcher deploying 20 gauge rounds , are just a few of the products offered by this innovative Canadian company . Courtesy of Lamperd Less Lethal and YouTube )