AST 'CHAMPIONS' Edition December 2017 Digital-Dec | Page 56

Volume 18 A Highly Unlikely Scenario That December 2017 Edition Vegas: Will Happen Again Unless We Change our Thinking The Vegas event and those in Lon- don, Berlin, Barcelona and else- where should make event planners and security officials all over the world pause for a second and realize that threat scenarios no longer fit neatly into the box like they’re supposed to, according to Haines Security Solutions CEO Doug Haines, MPSE. (Im- age courtesy of David Becker, Getty Images via Task & Purpose and YouTube) other gathering places within the hotel, near eleva- tors, game table etc. would have caught Mr. Scumbag’s, what now seems to be bizarre behav- ior and someone monitoring the cameras would have noticed it to be suspicious. By Doug Haines, MPSE, Owner and CEO of Haines Security Solutions The reality is nothing he did was suspicious. “In Las Vegas, the casino is always watching — and yet it missed XXXXXXX XXXXXXX (the title had the shooter’s name but I refused to acknowl- edge this scumbag),” that was the headline I read today from the LA Times. The headline and article suggest that even though Las Vegas is a miniature surveillance state, Mr. Scumbag’s behavior somehow should have set off alarms bells and hotel security could have intervened and prevented the unfortunate events of 1 October from occurring. He brought in his weapons hidden in suitcases just like so many guests everyday bring their suitcases, golf clubs or other oversized bags into the hotel, check-in and take them to their rooms. Even if he had brought in all ten suitcases/bags at one time, it still wouldn’t have drawn attention. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Let me explain. The reporters of the article, and many people of the public, are assuming that closed circuit television cameras mounted in the lobbies and (Learn More. Courtesy of Hot Trends 24H and YouTube. Posted on Oct 12, 2017)