Association Insight International & European Association Insights Winter 2015 | Page 41

Association Insights Association Success Story NETWORK Results The changes implemented have benefitted both SEB and our members: 1. Reduced barriers to joining. Due to the fixed membership model and paper application form the SEB experienced a low number of applications between July and September (the end of the membership year). As a result of the move to a rolling model and online application forms applications are now received throughout the year and the number of new member application has also seen a 5% increase in the 1st year. 2. Increased retention of existing members Due to improved renewal processes but also automation of renewal communications, the SEB so far experienced a 3% increase in renewal rates. It is still too early to measure the full impact on retention rates but an improvement has certainly been experienced NEW MEMBER NUMBER COMPARISON BETWEEN 2013 AND 2014 MEMBERSHIP YEARS. 120 103 59 31 2013 30 7 5 3 10 15 27 17 We noticed an increase in member numbers during the months of June and September due to moving to a rolling membership model but also an overall increase of 10% in our new member numbers due to the move to online application form. 2014 Ja nu Fe ary br ua r M y ar ch Ap ril M ay Ju ne Ju A ly Se ugu pt st em b O er c N tob ov e em r b D ec er em be r 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 3. Reduced Administration time for SEB staff Improvement and automation of processes resulted in significantly reduced administration time for SEB staff in managing membership processes. This has enables us to start planning membership development initiatives and focus on growing the SEB membership to its full potential. The benefits to members are that: The new processes are member focused. They are more user friendly and require a lot less effort on member’s part and members receive the expected standard of service. In addition, due to the improved Members’ Area, members are now more aware of the details