Association Insight International & European 1 | Page 21

Tips for keeping members:

Measures associations can take to attract and keep members involve putting members first and include the following:

‘You said, we did’ approach at UK Stroke Forum

Verity Baker, Head of the UK Stroke Forum says the UKSF is committed to analysis and feedback - finding out what members think and want and reacting to it.

he UK Stroke Forum has 33 Coalition Members from

across stroke care - this includes professional bodies,

patient organisations, voluntary sector, training

organisations, NHS bodies, patients and carers,"

explains Verity.

There is a huge and diverse range of interests to manage. One way in which we keep members engaged is through our triennial review. This consultation takes place every three years and is a personal interview with all 33 Coalition members. There are a range of questions on our events, membership, meetings, future direction and strategy."

We promote an open yet constructive approach, building confidence in members to challenge us. Members feel valued, engaged, able to influence strategic and operational issues. Follow up is always clear and changes demonstrable - a ‘you said, we did’ approach."

Although one-to-one contact with each member is resource-heavy and perhaps not achievable for many associations, the principle of asking for feedback and demonstrating the changes you have made can work with membership organisations of any size."

We also think that speaking to members on a regular basis is vital to member retention. New members receive a ‘Welcome Call’ 3 months into their membership and the conversation has a number of purposes. Firstly we check that the member has received literature such as the welcome pack and monthly magazine. We also answer any questions they may have about membership and finally we ask them why they joined. We do this because it is extremely useful to understand why people are joining the IET, plus we can use the information to assist members to get more from their membership. Engagement with the institution and its products and services is vital to retention and the more we can do to assist members on that first step of engaging with us the better. Feedback indicates this personal contact is valued highly by members."


Celebrating customer service at the IET

At the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) we believe providing a high level of customer service is key to recruiting and retaining members," says Anne Fitzsimons, Membership Manager, the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

e celebrate Customer Service Week each year and

although we do this in a fun way with games and

prizes, its true worth is in making us think about our

own internal and external customer service and

how we interact with members, volunteers and staff!"


Learn more about membership by listening to the talks at the International & European Associations Congress at:

A customer service culture and mission with members at the heart of it

Communication - talking to members and finding out what they think, what they want and how to focus your mission on serving them

Regularly seeking feedback from members as their needs and experiences will change over time

Ensure there is a process or system whereby members’ ideas and suggestions are listened to and acted upon.

Not being afraid of change if it can create a better service for members. This might include collaborating with other organisations to raise awareness and revenue.