Association Event Network July 2016 | Page 21

July 2016 Technology 21 Abstract made concrete by poster boys Shocklogic AEM looks at how technology experts on powering association meetings, Shocklogic, delivered a Green scientific programme for a major conference of anaesthetists The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) was using specialist event software to collate and evaluate academic abstracts from its members well before its 1,000 delegates turned up for its Winter Scientific Meeting (WSM) in London in January. The association opted to use software from Shocklogic: ‘Abstractlogic’ and ‘Eposterlogic’ before, during and after WSM to power the submission, review and publication of all abstracts and ePosters. AAGBI says staff were able to administer the systems with minimal need for IT support. The team used the software to publish 200 international scientific proposals for WSM, which took place at London’s QEII Centre, 13-15 January 2016. The Eposterlogic software also provided an ecofriendly solution with less waste than from the old printed posters and boards. The organiser was also able to integrate the software suites, thus minimising data transfer. The meeting programme offered sessions on topics ranging from haemorrhage management and critical care, to laparotomy and life support. This meant the programme management process was complex, entailing months of careful selection from hundreds of scientific proposals. CN-06-16-AEM.indd 21 Applying the science to abstracts, posters and general association meeting admin Abstractlogic’s specialist features also helped organisers deal with the complex scientific scoring systems involved in evaluation. Two of the keynotes emerged through the system, including Justiaan Swanevelder from Cape Town, who spoke on perioperative medicine and Baroness professor Susan Greenfield from Oxford who addressed the topic of ‘Perspectives on consciousness’. During the event, ePosters were displayed on flat touch screens of three different sizes and formats, for delegates to explore in their own time. This replaced rows of the old style poster boards, enabling AAGBI to create a professional looking area for attendees to view posters digitally. All ePosters, as well as other accepted proposals collected preevent, were available post-event via an online library journal. Post-congress feedback showed 80% of proposal submitters rated the technology as ‘excellent’. The key to the success of the WSM was the organiser’s ability to deal with high volume content and communication tools. The distribution channels also saved time for the delegate. Dr Mark AbouSamra from Derriford Hospital said, “having a standard format [for all ePosters] allowed the audience to concentrate on the content more than on how the poster looks”, while Dr Elliott Worku from Frimley Park Hospital said the solution used was “much clearer and slicker than using the old paper posters. This format is definitely the future”. The new abstract management system and ePoster solution allowed AAGBI to secure wider sponsorship and increase attendance by 25%. Shocklogic head of marketing and business development Johnny D. Martinez said the experience showed that AAGBI and Shocklogic not only contributed to the delivery of a rich scientific and educational programme on anaesthesia, but also “to new advances in our understanding of the role of new materials and applications, as well as teaching and training the next generation”. To see a case study video, go to: 27/06/2016 12:13