Assisi Aid Projects Annual Report 2016 | Page 4

Pictured here: English classes for children. Pictured right: literacy classes for women. Key achievements: • 418 women were trained in household business and 205 women took loans for small business ventures. • Two self-managed women’s banks continued with 153 members - helping women to manage savings, take loans, earn interest and keep money within their village. • Project staff motivated 129 widows to apply for pensions and 215 families to construct household toilets - improving family health and safety for women at night. • 420 women participated in village level meetings and confidently expressed views on widow’s pension, equal wages and their other concerns in the village. • Assisi provided emergency food parcels for 200 families in Kancheepuram district, affected by floods. • Below: 74 street rallies raised awareness of rainwater harvesting, health and environmental issues. 36 women participated in a 6 month tailoring course. 10 women have purchased machines and have started sewing at home, while 2 women plan to set up shops. 4