Assemblies of God Empowered Magazine DESIGNED TO GROW | Page 6

EXECUTIVE Pastor Mina Acraman Executive Presbyter Senior Pastor Miracle Centre. Hastings, NZ Growth needs Seasons Our region (Hawkes Bay) is a fruit growing region and many types of fruit are grown here. One thing I have observed is that different fruits mature at different times. Even within one season, fruit will ripen at different times within that season. So, at the beginning of summer certain stone fruits, apricots, cherries, will be abundant but later on in the summer other fruits, plums and peaches will come on line and in the early autumn we will have apples and pears to choose from. All in their time they ripen, according to the plan God put into the variety of fruit. What then are the seasons that are required for growth? Well actually we need them all. Growth comes as part of a cycle. In spring, there is a surge of fresh energy to prepare for the eventual harvest that summer will bring. After harvest, there is a cleaning up period and then there is the deep rest of winter when only the roots grow unnoticed under the ground. It is easy for us to become disorientated, even disillusioned if we do not understand the season we are cycling through. If however we have a God given sense of the directio