Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2019 Aspire Magazine Sample | Page 24

who love you unconditionally, and support you on your soul’s journey. Your soul team consists of the kindred spirits who encourage you to express yourself, follow your heart, and be the best person you can be. With such soul companions, you have a deep emotional bond and a soul connection that transcends all life cycles and lasts over lifetimes. These are the rare individuals who know your strengths and weaknesses, are honest with you, and reflect your true being. You may have a disagreement with them or not see them for long periods of time, but the soul connection is always there. Sacred Principle #8: Cultivating Lightheartedness and Joy Cultivating lightheartedness includes spontaneity, humor, and play—all launch pads to creativity and spiritual growth. It is essential to aligning with your soul’s passion and purpose and sustaining joy in your life. Being lighthearted naturally liberates the mind, opens the heart, and lifts the spirit. You take life less seriously, see it as a passionate adventure, and remain flexible as it unfolds. To live “soul fully,” you can spend time playing, having fun, and taking pleasure in the simple things in life that make your heart sing. 24 Sacred Principle #9: Making Inspired Choices You hold the power to co-create the life you want by making inspired choices. Choice is a powerful tool, when you understand, on a soul level, that you are responsible for your life. Every choice you make either adds to or detracts from the overall quality of your life and the world in which you live. The quality of your life is determined by the choices you make. The more impeccable they are, the more you will be in alignment with your soul’s journey. It’s essential that you make the inspired choices that not only sustain your well-being, but also the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. Sacred Principle #10: Living Intentionally by Co-Creating Your Reality When you live intentionally, you consciously co-create the reality you want in alignment with your soul’s path. Like striking a tuning fork, your intention creates a vibrational space. When you bring awareness and energy to this space, you access infinite possibilities. In this space, you | October / November 2019