Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 60

health crises of someone I love dearly, a house fire, and the death of a good friend, to name just a few. Each time I’m tempted to slip back into my old behavior patterns of overdoing in response to stress, I remind myself that, although every day is not going to be filled with bliss bunnies and rainbows, everything really is going to be okay. When I find myself feeling overwhelmed with the grief, sadness, or anxiety about what to do next, I remind myself that I am fully supported by the Universe. I find a quiet spot within me to reconnect to the silence and the trust that all will be well. As human beings, much of our suffering comes from not accepting reality and trying to change the external circumstances of our lives before we’ve extracted their internal lessons. I spent much of my life and career doing precisely that: trying to change and outrun my childhood trauma. But, as I’ve discovered, running from or ignoring what is rarely results in anything productive. In fact, it often means running in exactly the opposite direction from what your true, essential self actually wants, which is wholeness, integration, forgiveness, and peace. With my shift to a more spiritual life has come a much greater focus on what is happening internally. My reactions, my emotions, my desires, my hopes and dreams, and my connection to truth are so much more real than my prior life of high achieving. I’m not trying to say that we shouldn’t strive for goals or set high standards. But if those outer trajectories are not balanced by inner wisdom, we will default to our habitual, ego- based patterns. When this happens, we cannot live authentically, or on purpose. We will be passengers on the runaway train of our false self. All of the work that I’ve done on my own personal development allows me to integrate a deep belief and total trust into my life, and to share it with others. I recognize that it took me many years to come to this place and I know that every human being can live with the knowing of Basic Trust. © 2018. Dr. Catherine Hayes, CPCC. Excerpt from Everything is Going to be Okay: From the Projects to Harvard to Freedom, Inspired Living Publishing. Dr. Catherine Hayes, CPCC - Dr. Hayes is a dual-Certified Professional Co-Active Coach; a Certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher and International Enneagram Association (IEA) Certified Professional and Accredited Teacher; a member of the Forbes Coaches Council; a speaker; and a highly regarded influencer in the leadership field. She holds a DMD from Tufts University and Masters and Doctoral degrees in Epidemiology from Harvard University. She coaches leaders to uncover the truth of who they are so they can live and lead from their highest potential. Her bestselling book, Everything Is Going to Be Okay! From the Projects to Harvard to Freedom is now available.. Learn more at and while you’re there claim your free gift, 6 Life-Changing Reasons Why Knowing Your Enneagram Type Matters. 60 | October / November 2018