Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 59

change in my life beginning with an accident in February 2005 . The deep spiritual journey that I embarked on one year later through my work with the Enneagram Institute continues today with my work with the Diamond Heart school and the work that I bring into the world .
Although , I look back with fondness on my first career as a public health dentist ― and especially on my colleagues who selflessly contribute to improving the health of the public ― the work that I do today is what I really believe is my life ’ s work . I no longer separate my work from who I am , or feel like I have to ignore or abandon my heart in order to achieve greatness in the eyes of others .
My work now is heart-centered and aligned with my true self . Service and heart-centered leadership have always been a part of my life , however , that service and leadership now take the form of guiding others to live more peaceful and fulfilling lives by understanding , with compassion , their personality patterns and superego messages . It gives me a deep sense of joy and gratitude when I see my clients make lasting changes in their lives and their leadership approach . When they understand themselves more deeply and have compassion for themselves , their lives take on a whole new meaning , and the effects of living from their truth ripple out into their work , their relationships , and their communities . When I work with leaders in a corporate or non-profit setting , I help them lead from a place of authenticity , compassion , and Basic Trust , to the benefit of their entire organization .
I ’ m at a place professionally where it feels that my true self is at the forefront of what I do and how I live . This is a very peaceful way to live and to serve , and it ’ s what can happen for all of us when we live this shift from our false selves to our true selves , and integrate this new way of thinking , seeing the world , and serving into our daily life . This is truly an authentic life , and I firmly believe that this is how I am here to serve .
Most profound of all the changes I ’ ve made in my life since my accident , however , is my shift back to the state of Basic Trust , a knowing that the Universe guides and supports me .

When I find myself feeling overwhelmed with the grief , sadness , or anxiety about what to do next , I remind myself that I am fully supported by the Universe .

Since I have made the shift away from my false self to my true self , I now live in that state of peaceful trust every single day , and the message that “ everything is going to be okay ” is the guiding force of my life .
That ’ s not to say that I don ’ t still have moments of feeling challenged ; I certainly do . In recent years , I ’ ve weathered the ongoing