Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 45

1. Find Your Truth The noise within us is loud and prevents us from hearing this inner truth. We self- sabotage our lives with our own negative ego-chatter, by making decisions based upon our emotions. This inner noise can squash the ability to hear that innate truth. The chatter of our ego can be loud. Think of this chatter as the caddy-gossiping- neighbor who wants to always be better than you. Our egos fill us with self-doubt. They tell us not to take risks that seemingly are unwise. Learning to tame this inner critic is necessary for finding our own truth. The best way to tame this is to differentiate between the voices within. When you hear that caddy-gossiping-neighbor’s voice inside of you, it most certainly is your ego. It speaks with a negative, judgemental words and tone. Through quiet meditation and soul practices, you will find your truth. Your truth speaks to you in love and light. Indeed, you may even feel the language and tone foreign to you when you first access it. You know you are on to something when you hear those loving, kind, supportive words. Our emotional self can also get in the way of us discovering our truth. We all have Discovering who we are is not always easy. It takes time to quiet down the noise around us and, more often than not, the loud chaotic noise within us. In those moment of quiet we discover soul-i-tude ~ that space that allows us to know and connect to our wise inner self, our truths. To discover your truth, however, we must un- derstand that while we have emotions, they do not define who we are and we do not have to make choices based on our emotions. emotions. How boring would life be without them! To discover your truth, however, we must understand that while we have emotions, they do not define who we are and we do not have to make choices based on our emotions. Think back to a time when you made a choice based solely on your emotions. Perhaps it was a purchase or a choice of significant other or something else. How well did it serve you? Now, think back to a time when you made a choice based on your gut instinct that inner truth. You may not even know why that was a good choice when you made it but you knew innately that it was the one to be made. How well did it serve you? I bet the latter choice was a better one because you made it not following your emotional self but rather following your truth. When you recognize this difference, it becomes simple to allow your emotions to flow and release rather than have them run your life. Your truth will rise and decisions 45