Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2014 - Featuring Louise Hay | Page 51

Organize these steps  into chronological order – and do yourself a favor, do this in a Word document or on your smart phone so you can reorganize the steps – I promise you, you’ll have to at some point and likely many times! 5 Make a timeline – how long will it realistically take for you to get from A to Z? Start putting dates by your steps. You may need to add substeps to the bigger goals to make them more do-able. 6 7 P  rint this 30-day calendar out and put it where you will see it often. WISDOM & SELF-GROWTH 4 you need to do to make that happen. It doesn’t matter how big or small these steps might be. 8 Start your 30 day challenge today! – If you put it off until tomorrow, you’ll likely keep putting it off. Take it from someone who knows! As I shared previously, I’m a work in progress. So I will be doing this challenge right along with you. I’d love it if you’d reach out to me and let me know your daily successes and struggles and I’ll do the same. We can hold each other accountable and keep each other honest. And maybe, just maybe, truly embrace walking in our power along the way. Read Online! Pick out your 30 days and assign one task to each day – don’t make these tasks too small or too big. They shouldn’t be too easy or too challenging. The goal here is to stretch you a little bit, not scare you into giving up! Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D., HHC - Mary is a Professor of Psychology and Holistic Health Counselor. Mary’s extensive educational background combined with her personal passion and commitm ent to empowering women in healing their hormonal health naturally and reclaiming their Feminine Power empowers her clients to experience profound shifts in their health and life. Claim a complimentary copy of 10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You in-depth workbook at 51