Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2014 - Featuring Louise Hay | Page 34

It’s not easy to up-level your mindset, raise your vibration and believe thoughts of massive abundance, success and prosperity… indeed there’s certainly less resistance to staying put in the paralyzing grips of fear, but breaking free can be done! The momentum begins with this one, simple mantra: Be scared and do it anyway. Now, simple need not imply easy. Habits are hard to break, so if your pattern is to self-sabotage, stop dead in your tracks and retreat just as things start to go your desired way … you will need to refer to and LIVE my effective, bad-ass mantra. Be scared and do it anyway. What I know for sure is that everything you need to create wealth, well-being and happiness is already within you. The secret is to first decide, and then be willing to follow through with your decision no matter how scary or uncomfortable it may feel. Humans are wired to move away from discomfort. Breaking through fear requires you to stay put and endure discomfort for the greater good of your life. The more you walk through the inferno of your fears and realize you’re still alive and kicking at the other end, the more walking through fear will become something you naturally do. Believe it or not, I actually crave fire-walking now because I know that I grow and become more powerful each time I walk through the illusionary veil of fear. If you haven’t already guessed, I am totally addicted to growing and expanding and becoming the next more powerful and healthy version of myself. One of the most liberating and empowering things you can do is to stop living your days in a state of fear. It robs you of the present moment, which is all you really have anyway. I came across this reframe for fear and I absolutely LOVE it! Fear is: False Evidence Appearing As Reality The truth is …fear is an illusion. Fear depletes your energy, clouds your self value and further keeps you from living the life you truly desire. Besides, Law of Attraction states that being afraid only attracts more of what you’re afraid of… 34 | October / November 2014