Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 61

“Trying to get your way is causing a big chunk of your relationship problems.” But here’s what you probably don’t realize: When your partner has a white-knuckle grip on their side of something you don’t agree on, they’re just matching the intensity of your white-knuckle grip on the other side. The harder you pull, the more they resist. If you’re the gentle parent and you are pushing hard against your partner, saying, “Oh no, you’re being too strict, you’re going to crush them,” they’re going to push back just as hard, saying, “You’re coddling them, they’re never going to learn anything.” RELATIONSHIPS – STACEY MARTINO The White-Knuckle Grip At some point, most of us find ourselves in a tug-of-war—my way versus your way. Of course, we think that our way is the one and only right way and if our partner sees it differently, they must be wrong! This happens a lot when there’s one parent who’s the disciplinarian and one parent who wants to take the gentle, nurturing approach. And it can be this way with anything—money, time, work, in-laws, health, eating, spirituality, the house… all the ‘things’ that we find ourselves fighting about. The basis for where the rapport got lost, where we started fighting, is my way versus your way. We’re too busy beating on the outside of the bubble trying to convince them that our way is the right way that we can’t even see their perspective. Here’s the truth—neither one of you is wrong! You’re just so focused on your white-knuckle grip that you keep tugging and tugging and tugging. You’ve lost sight of what the fight was even about and at this point, you’re just worried about “my way.” You have to release the grip and balance things out. How Do We Align? So how can you stop battling each other? You have to stop trying to win and focus on alignment. Most of us haven’t sat down and made a system. Instead, we got married and we thought, “Oh, we’ll always see eye to eye on the big things because we love each other.” Then you crash and burn when it doesn’t work that way. Life happens and suddenly you have big decisions to make and, surprise, surprise, you don’t agree on everything. Do we lease or do we buy? Do we put our kids in public school or private school? 61