Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25

“PERFECTIONISM IS A MEAN, FROZEN FORM OF IDEALISM, WHILE MESSES ARE THE ARTIST’S TRUE FRIEND. WHAT PEOPLE SOMEHOW FORGOT TO MENTION WHEN WE WERE CHILDREN WAS THAT WE NEED TO MAKE MESSES IN ORDER TO FIND OUT WHO WE ARE AND WHY WE ARE HERE.”.” – Anne Lamott WISDOM & SELF-GROWTH myself invisible, silenced my voice, and suppressed my full self-expression. I was too scared to step out of the shadows and be seen with all my flaws and imperfections. If you had asked me years ago if I saw myself stepping out of the shadows to share my wisdom with the world, I would have said hell no. Even though I’ve known all my life that I was called to be a spiritual leader. Even now, there are moments I still want to hide and remain invisible because I’m afraid of not being “perfect.” Yet, I’ve come to realize that embracing all the messy imperfect parts of me allows me to see my divine perfection. To discover your divine perfection, you need to courageously excavate all that inhibits your full self-expression. You must give yourself permission to make a mistake and mess up. As Anne Lamott writes in her book, Bird by Bird, “Perfectionism is a mean, frozen form of idealism, while messes are the artist’s true friend. What people somehow forgot to mention when we were children was that we need to make messes in order to find out who we are and why we are here.” Your greatest mistakes, biggest messes, and super failures are your best teachers. So, don’t be afraid to make big ones, you’ll take a quantum leap in your spiritual growth if you do. Embracing your imperfections may feel uncomfortable—but when you do it enough, it will eventually put you in touch with your most authentic self. It leads you to letting go of who you think you should be and becoming who you really are. Living authentically is like singing karaoke. At first, you may be anxious; yet each time you let go and surrender your need for perfection you begin living “out loud.” Your mind may still race with thoughts such as, “I’m afraid to make a mistake, or, I can’t sing as well as my friends.” Yet, when you continually override these negative beliefs with positive affirmations, and let go of what others think, you express yourself and live out loud as the divine being you are. Here are 5 Sacred Practices to Embrace Your Divine Imperfections: 1. PRACTICE SELF-COMPASSION: Wake up in the morning loving yourself even when you feel tired, uninspired, or depressed. 25