Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 24

Our intuition is a guiding force, directing us along our path of truth and wholeness. – Dr. Catherine Hayes, CPCC what felt real and what felt false. It was not always easy to hear this new perspective on who we felt we “needed” to be to survive in the world, but it was also freeing. As you can probably guess, my self-images centered around being seen as successful, kind, good, and accommodating to the needs of others. As I explored why I held onto these images, I saw how deep their roots were, and how high their costs were for me. I wanted to be as kind, good, and likable as possible because I had grown up feeling wrong and shunned. I never wanted to be mean, or feel anger or hatred, because those would indicate that I was “giving in” to my family’s ideas about me. When we do not honor an aspect of ourselves, such as anger, we don’t make it go away. Instead, it retreats into the background―but it’s always running behind the scenes, influencing our decisions and fueling our false selves. If we don’t look at the 24 | June / July 2018 parts of us that we find unacceptable, we can never be whole. However, when we find the courage to look at those “shadow” aspects of ourselves―those painful parts we don’t want anyone to see, or that we’ve pushed down― and bring them to light, we no longer need to spend energy feeding the false selves that protect those vulnerable parts of us. We can simply be more of who we are. Two Inner Voices Along with the aspects of ourselves which we suppress, the superego (aka, the inner critic) loves to build up our false selves. When my Diamond Heart teacher and I first started working with the superego, I was so relieved to learn that I wasn’t the only one in the world who would beat myself up over every little transgression! This cruel, derogatory voice inside was part of the human condition. Who knew? We would never talk with others the way we talk to ourselves. And just because our inner critic says something doesn’t make it true! When we can differentiate the messages of the superego from our true knowing, we can disengage from them and instead look for our real inner wisdom. Doing this work has been immensely freeing for me, and has brought a greater sense of peace to my life. Along with the Enneagram work, teaching clients to recognize and override the superego is a primary focus of my coaching work. When we can identify where and how our superego is running our lives, and learn to disengage from it, we can finally clear a path to inner peace. Our superego can take on many forms. It can be quiet and insidious, or very obvious and