Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 82

someone have to have to create this experience?” Example: Continuing to attract clients who “can’t afford your services” reflects beliefs of not truly valuing what you do. It could also reflect a belief that you feel there aren’t people out there who could afford it. You are projecting your own scarcity mentality onto them, and actually framing them as a victim rather than a powerful abundant spiritual being. Abundance Principle number #3: 2. Plan fun things with your money 3. Buy a wallet that reflects fun and abundance 4. Celebrate the money that does come in and pay attention to it—even finding a penny—what you think about expands. 5. Invest your money in things that offer you return on your investment. Example: business building programs, trainings that will allow you to charge more and grow your business etc., programs that stretch and expand you to your higher self. Abundance Principle Number #4: Shift from a belief in Scarcity to a belief in Abundance. Pay attention to money in a positive way and not a fear based negative way. However you pay attention to money is how you will continue to experience it. Example: If you stress and obsess you will create more situations to stress and obsess about. If you are grateful and have fun with money you will create more situations that create gratefulness and fun. Here are some examples. 1. Make paying your bills and act of gratefulness and sharing, “I love that I have the abundance to pay these bills.” Feel the gratitude and love for each thing you are paying for. Example: When paying your electric bill, say out loud, “I really love and appreciate the light in my home and that I can play and dance to my favorite music, etc.” 82 Think in terms of Universal Abundance rather than lack and Scarcity. It can be helpful to shift your mindset of the Source of Abundance, which is God or Spirit and is unlimited. If you think in human terms you think of human constraints and you think of external circumstances as having the ability to limit you. If you think of your Source of | February / March 2018