Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 45

Manifes t Your Life USING YOUR HOME TO BY TISHA MORRIS T he law of attraction has become the predominant concept for manifestation among spiritual and self-help communities. Manifestation is the process of turning ideas and thoughts into physical form. As spiritual beings having a physical experience, we are all alchemists turning nonphysical concepts into physical objects for survival and enjoyment on earth. It is through the law of attraction that we create our own reality— from the home we live in, to the car we drive, to the relationships we attract into our life. At the root of the law of attraction is energy, or vibration. Like energy attracts like energy. If you are a vibrational match to a Mercedes, then you will attract a Mercedes to you. This also works on the emotional level. For example, if you are a vibrational match to abandonment as a result of childhood wounding, then you will attract more abandonment into your life through relationships. This will continue until the contrast becomes so stark that you consciously desire for something different. Once that desire becomes conscious, you will then attract the right people and situations to heal the past wounds. You have manifested everything in your home with your thoughts and emotions. You wanted a comfy, tan couch and made it happen by shopping, ordering, purchasing, and having 45