Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 57

As you describe each detail, write down how you feel about it. For example: “I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and well rested, I am excited about my day,” “I stop at the farmers market on my way home, I feel so delighted by all the colorful vegetables and fruits, I buy some greens, carrots, radishes and sweet potatoes and I feel grateful for the earth and it’s bounty.” After you finish writing your “movie” I recommend that you read it daily and connect to the feelings it brings up. Everyday, do at least one thing that is inspired by that vision. With time, that ‘healthy me’ will become closer and closer to who you really are. What my wise and higher self wants me to know. We all have a part of ourselves that is connected to our soul, our spirit, our creator, the universe or however you want to call it. That part is our wise and higher self. We often see and feel it when we have a spark of intuition or when we hear an inner voice that guides us or when we have strong gut feelings. That part of us is our best guide and has our best interest at heart. In this exercise, write a letter to yourself as your higher and wise self. I recommend tthat you close your eyes and do a little inner connection and meditation first. Ask your higher self to come forth and let you know what it has to say. Set an intention to listen and be open and receptive. As you write your letter, remember that your higher self is always loving, always supportive and always on your side. Start your letter with “Dear (your name)” and let your intuition take over and let the words flow. When you’re done, sign it with “your wise higher self”. Read the letter and reflect on what would be a good next step for you based on its message. Rachel Kieffer - Rachel Kieffer leads women health circles and helps women heal their relationship with food and their bodies. Join her Facebook group, Fall in Love with a Healthy Life to be part of a community of women who support each other to live their healthiest and happiest lives. Get her free 3-Day Seasonal Cleanse at 57 do you do for work? What kind of activities do you do, physical and otherwise? List all the ways you take care of yourself and your health, what you eat, how you prepare your food, how much sleep you get, what self care rituals you practice.