Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 39

Some people feel guilty about asking for help from the angels. If that is true for you, know that there’s absolutely nothing to feel bad or guilty about. The good news is that angels absolutely love helping you! The bad news is that they really can’t help you if you don’t ask. Humans have what’s called free will. From my experience, the angels can’t intervene and help you if you don’t invite them into your life for support. Moral of the story? Ask, ask, ask, and then keep on asking. PRAYER VS. INVOCATION An invocation is a slightly more formal way to communicate with the angels. I am teaching it to you because it is the most powerful way that I know of to enlist their help. Most people have heard the word prayer, but not too many people have heard of or understand the word invocation. I am going to focus on invocation because the energy of invocation is quite different from that of prayer and can be even more powerful. Prayer is the act of calling upon a divinity outside yourself to intercede on your behalf to solve whatever problems you are having. Praying is an amazing way to connect with the divine and find peace and solace. ASK, ASK, ASK, AND THEN KEEP As a matter of fact, you really don’t even have to speak the words out loud. You can just think them, and they can still hear you. Angels are cool that way. Having heart- to-heart conversations with your angels throughout the day—whether out loud or just in your thoughts—is highly recommended, because amazing things can happen for you just from doing that. ON ASKING. Invocation is outwardly similar to prayer. You are still calling on the divine for aid; however, an invocation actually invites the beautiful presence of the divine to fill your entire being, your heart, mind, body, and soul. To invoke is to essentially awaken and allow divinity to move through you, which, as you can imagine, can bring deep healing to all aspects of your being. The process of invocation includes you, a magical human, as one of the key ingredients of the recipe for miracle making. Prayer doesn’t really do that. Invocation acknowledges your own magic in the equation, and this is why I love using invocations and teaching about them. HOW TO DO AN INVOCATION Even though the angels can completely hear you if you don’t speak to them out loud, I find speaking invocations out loud helps you focus on your intentions, especially if your mind is all over the place. When you’re doing an invocation, you will want to get into the actual feeling and emotion of it. A solid invocation includes 39