Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 36

when we did kind things for others, praised for saying yes when we succeeded in our endeavors and the list goes on. We were programmed to say yes to achieve the praise we so desperately craved from our parents or caregivers. Often though, we hear that ‘no’ is a complete sentence, yet how many of us actually use it that way? The art of saying no is one of the most difficult changes to incorporate yet, it can be done! A good place to start is to check in with yourself and ask, “What is one thing that I have been tolerating that I no longer wish to tolerate?” It may be that you are tolerating a friend that relies on you constantly for help and at the drop of a hat. You typically drop everything you are doing and tend to her needs. No more. Now, you can start by telling that friend the next time she is reliant on your help, that unfortunately the answer is ‘no’. You may experience some push back or other signs that she is disturbed by your lack of helpfulness however, you must know in your heart that you are doing some good by allowing her to figure it out for herself leaving you to do what is most important to you. Enabling hurts others and when we can say no with love, we are helping others become responsible for themselves. As with anything new, this will take practice to develop your ‘no’ muscle and as you do, the rest of your body, mind and soul will get stronger, too. The results of saying ‘no’ are exponential. 5. Resentment is showing up in one or more of your relationships. This one is a piggy-back on number 4 above as after saying yes too often, resentments 36 start to creep in and can overtake our emotions. We may say yes with good intentions however, once we look back on our original yes, we find that we didn’t really want to do the task after all. Resentments can grow from a tiny eye twitch to full blown feelings of anger. Resentments are nasty little parasites that take over our thoughts and feelings and leave us feeling taken advantage of, put upon, or mistreated and we essentially did it to ourselves by saying yes to something we really wanted to say no to but, for some reason could not. The key to turning this one around is to give yourself a pause by telling the person asking for your assistance that you will have to get back to them with an answer. This allows you time to really check in with your mind, body and soul as to whether or not this situation is a good fit for you. It may be that it is, just not at this time and that is perfectly ok. It may be that it is in total opposition to being a good fit for you, but the person asking is your mother-in-law and you will feel guilty if you say no. Saying yes in this case does not serve you or your mother-in-law so it is best to be honest with yourself first and foremost. Know thyself and be true to yourself. As always, the truth sets you free. Having compassion for yourself can assist you in taking the time necessary to make the best choice for everyone involved. 6. There is no available time on your calendar for self-care. You couldn’t fit self-care into your schedule even if you wanted to because you have filled every available moment with other things. You are perpetually on overdrive and | February / March 2020