Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 32

learned to trust the guidance and support of Ascended Master Goddess Energies which have stirred confidence in my connection with my own divine feminine. The key to connecting with this energy and to hearing it, is rather simple. Find your quiet space and give yourself the permission to relax into that space, deep within, where nothing exists but you and spirit. This is the time when the Divine Feminine will light your path; offering you awareness and glimpses of you that you never knew. 2.  Tap into the power of ritual. Creating a daily ritual is one of those activities that returns tenfold, what you invest into it. The action of ritual signals to your soul on every level that magic is about to happen. It offers permission to step away from the frenzy that is normally around us and retreat to the space within that is solely yours. It is in this space that the Divine Feminine speaks. Her voice is yours and is clear and direct, with kindness and love, so often withheld by our human expressions. The action of daily ritual also nurtures the ability to trust yourself. When you continue to show up for, in support of yourself, trust blossoms and permission to thrive happens. You are reinforcing the notion that you have you and the Divine Feminine is the energy that nourishes and supports all of you. Taking action is the most important part of ritual. Don’t create pressure on yourself to get it right or spend more time than you have. Take 10 minutes (create the time by setting your alarm a bit early or don’t hit snooze) and devote that time, fully! 32 3.  Forgive yourself for judgment waged against you. Judgment takes up space that is best suited to serve you in a completely opposite capacity. These negative thoughts, whether yours or someone else’s do nothing but sabotage your ability to create the most amazing life you desire. Connecting with and inviting in the Divine Feminine nurtures mercy and compassion. Focusing on these serves you far more than anyone else. When you can embody mercy and compassion for yourself, that creates the space where trust begins to set in. Even in the darkest of hours, the Divine Feminine is present to flood us with love, mercy and the ability to find your way of the dark. All you have to do is let go of the guilt, anger and judgment; just enough to allow space for the love and light of your own divine nature to rush in. The more you can let go of anger and negative emotions (even for a few minutes) the better your entire experience is. It’s really true that holding on to anger does nothing to the person you are angry with. It only causes problems for you. 4. O  bserve how all the parts fit together from a higher level. The way things fit together is known as synchronicity and once you begin to become aware of it, you will notice it everywhere. | February / March 2020