Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 20

LETTER EDITOR FROM THE ”Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.” CAROLINE MYSS Welcome to the February/March 2020 “Conscious Living” issue of Aspire Magazine Hello beautiful soul, Do you feel the pull to live a more conscious intentional life? You’re not alone. About twenty-four months ago, my honey and I began that journey. We sold our big home and built an intentional home right next door. During the construction phase we lived in our 400 sq. ft tiny cottage for a year. During that year, we realized at an even deeper level that most of the ‘stuff’ we had accumulated was not what we desired to take into our new home and new chapter. It was such a liberating experience to consciously choose a new way of being and living. There’s a freedom in that choice. We each have a choice moment by moment to slow down, take inventory of each part of our lives and ask ourselves, “Does this align with the life I desire to create? One of the conscious choices I’ve recently made, after an 11-year hiatus, is to birth the Inspired Life! 3-day Transformational High-Vibe Event for Women, being held May 1-3rd in Taunton, MA. An event created with sacred intention to nourish your spirit, elevate your mindset and transform your life. I’d love to meet you in person. Come join us! Connect with me! m/ es pir lindajoyins May this issue inspire and support you on this journey called life and empower you to remember that, even with life’s twists and turns, you have the power to create a conscious, intentional and inspired life. Grab a cup of tea (or a glass of wine) and enjoy! Live an Inspired Life! ajoy lindajoyinspire/ 20 | February / March 2020 LINDA JOY Publisher