Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 74

Listed below are descriptions of three of the nine types. Learn about the other six types and your Leadership style in my complimentary Enneagram Guide for Leaders. Type Sixes... are natural leaders, but rarely see themselves as such. They often lead by building consensus and dutifully carrying out the tasks of their group. They are the glue that holds the team together. They are excellent trouble shooters, and have a plan for every possible worst case scenario; therefore, the team relies on them for answers. At their best, Type Sixes lead from a place of trusting others to support them, which allows them to pay attention to the details that need to be addressed in order for the team to be successful. Their challenge is that, when they struggle with a lack of trust in the support around them, they can become suspicious, skeptical, pessimistic, and indecisive. Freedom from their personality patterns comes from letting go of the need to look to others for answers, and trusting their own inner authority. Type Ones... know how to get the job done, and done well. There is little room for error. They have the ability to see what is needed in order to make things right because their focus is always on creating perfection. The Type One has a strong need for things to be neat, orderly and perfect, and they can be harsh critics of themselves and others. This can create challenges as they tend to be taskmasters and have difficulty delegating. Freedom from their personality comes through letting go of the need for everything to be perfect, and entering a state of trust that others have valuable input. This relieves the Type One of the burden of having to do it all since nobody can live up to their expectations. Type Fours... are highly intuitive and creative, but often struggle with fitting into their families, their organizations, or society at large. They have an underlying belief that they are somehow flawed, and often struggle with melancholy and moodiness which can impact their leadership. Freedom from their personality patterns comes when they let go of the belief that they are not enough, and allow themselves to step into a state of belonging to a group, team, family, or organization. 74 When we determine our personality type, we can also tap into our innate leadership style, and mitigate some of the challenges that may be holding back our teams, organizations, or families. Cultivating great leadership within ourselves starts with simple observation. What are our habitual patterns? What situations and feelings do we avoid? What is our style when it comes to conflict management? And where are our personalities or our lack of self-awareness creating friction for ourselves and others? Leadership, like all other things that truly matter, is an inside job. When you go within, | February / March 2019