Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 58

happening in our lives. To incorporate this practice in your life, reflect on what you feel good about from your day each evening. Then each month, reflect on the growth that you have seen and ask trusted people in your life what they have noticed. Over time, you will focus more and more on what is going well in your life, recognize your growth, and reinforce your value and worth! 7. Cultivate a Gratitude  Practice One of the easiest ways to transform a challenging experience is with gratitude. Infusing gratitude into your life can buoy you in difficult times and deepen your appreciation of the good in your life. I often say that gratitude has been my lifeboat and 58 has become my “go-to” stress management tool and empowering self-nurturing practice. We can find creative and interesting ways to express our gratitude including creating a gratitude list, writing a thank you note, sharing the ABC’s of gratitude with family or friends, or starting and ending our day with three things we are grateful for. We can write in a gratitude journal or have a dry erase board in our house where family members can share what they are grateful for. We can begin a family meal with gratitude or ask people in our lives what they are grateful for today. Focusing on gratitude redirects our minds to what is going well in our lives and brings a sense of hope and possibility. Whatever gratitude practice you choose, begin to | February / March 2019