Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 57

Remember you can nurture yourself alone or with others so invite a friend to join you! Bring a spirit of fun and inspiration to the process, and try out different activities. If it brings you joy, you are on the right track so allow it to restore and rejuvenate you! Choose one self-nurturing practice today and notice the difference it makes. When we recognize the positive results that self-nurturing has in our lives, we are much more likely to prioritize time for it. experience each time you nurture yourself. To start, reflect on how you feel after caring for yourself and how your body feels. Notice if you find yourself less anxious, impatient or resentful. Do you feel any less exhausted and overwhelmed? Reflect on any of the benefits you notice in your relationships. Are you better able to set boundaries as a result of being more connected with yourself? When we recognize the positive results that self-nurturing has in our lives, we are much more likely to prioritize time for it. My experience is that the more we nurture ourselves, the more we value ourselves and the more we value ourselves, the easier it is to prioritize nurturing ourselves. This beautiful self-fulfilling cycle helps us transform our habit of self-neglect! 5. Reflect on the Benefits You 6. Acknowledge Your Growth  Experience After Nurturing Yourself The most powerful way to stay motivated to change, is to notice the benefits you Recognizing and celebrating our growth can be deeply self-nurturing and is critical for sustainable change. When we acknowledge each step of progress, we can cheer ourselves on and enjoy the positive change 57 taking a moment to breathe and tune into your body. What would feel good for you to do right now? Then take inspired action! Maybe you choose to go outside and connect with nature for 5-10 minutes or go for a walk. Perhaps you choose to journal, read something inspiring, or call a friend. If you enjoy yoga, practice a few poses. If you enjoy meditation, listen to a guided meditation or put a timer on for 10 minutes and meditate. If gratitude practice brings you joy, then take 5 minutes and write down all the things you are grateful for in this moment. If you love to learn, watch a Ted Talk.