Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 49

Reflect on each one. Which do you feel good about? Which ones don’t align with your true self?  Where have you given labels to others when focusing on their behaviors might have produced a different outcome?  When is labeling okay? What labels are considered verboten?  Select one of the hurtful labels given to you. How old were you when you received it? Where were you? Write a letter to your younger self and reframe the situation, removing the label and forgiving the person who gave it to you. Labeling children can be particularly damaging or toxic, particularly because we use behaviors and traits as a basis for labels. Sensitive. Pretty. Smart. Slow. Hyper. Athletic. Artistic. Musical. Loner. Anti-social. Weird. Talented. Funny. Think about some of the labels you’ve been assigned. Who gave them to you? When were they chosen? Do they accurately reflect who you are today? Do you want the labels? More importantly, how would it feel to reject the labels you no longer want? Intriguing, right? Pull out your journal and take some time to reflect on how labels have impacted your life. Do so without judgment. Remain curious and empathetic as you do this work. Journal Prompts: I  n your journal, list the labels that you’ve been given or have given to yourself. As you move forward, pay attention to the words you use when speaking to or about others. Be mindful of the ways are you may be unintentionally labeling people. Amp up your empathy and focus on behaviors. See what difference this brings to your life and the lives of those you love. If you’re interested in exploring further how labels and their associated beliefs may be keeping you stuck, you’re invited to download my free eGuide entitled, “12 Signs Your Beliefs Are Weighing You Down.” Deborah Kevin - Deborah loves helping visionary entrepreneurs attract their ideal clients by tapping into and sharing their stories of healing and truth. She’s a member of the Association of Writing Professionals, Association of Ghostwriters, and the National Association of Memoir Writers and the Associate Editor for Inspired Living Publishing. Her passions include travel, cooking, hiking, and kayaking. Visit to learn more. Download her free eGuide entitled, “12 Signs Your Beliefs Are Weighing You Down.” 49  Consider each label, without labeling— haha—it “good” or “bad.” What would it feel like to lose or reframe it? How would your identity be altered?