Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 41

Harry Potter had an invisibility cloak that allowed him to go anywhere without being seen. My invisibility cloak is shame, unworthiness and fear, and it has effectively kept me hidden, not only from others but from myself. This cloak was created to keep me safe, to protect me from being vulnerable so that I wouldn’t be hurt, but it has also hidden my light. 5 Ways We Dim Our Light 1. Wallflower. Stick to the background, the sidelines, don’t engage in conversation, don’t do anything that draws attention. I hid behind my “shyness” for years, using that as an excuse not to step out or take a risk. Out of sight, out of mind. 2. Conformity. Hiding is not always being completely out of sight, often it is in conforming to what is expected of us by those around us, our families, and society. Allowing others to shape us into who they want us to be keeps our light hidden, and never lets our true beauty shine out. It keeps us trapped in a closed box, even if it seems like we are completely out there. 3. Showman. Like actors who put on a show with flashy personality, dramatic flair, or aggressive fights, the showman hides behind a persona to keep others from seeing what is underneath. We all have masks we hide behind for every different occasion or circumstance. Though the masks hide our vulnerability, they also hide our light. What masks do you use? 4. Labels. Society likes to put names and labels on everything. These labels can be easy to hide behind. We begin to identify with the label and think of it as who we are. Victim, trauma, cancer, depression, over-weight, divorced. Or even the more acceptable ones, mother, wife, entrepreneur, teacher. We hide behind the label, allowing others to believe that this is who we are. What labels do you accept, and how could you expand from them? “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” – BRENE BROWN 5. Beliefs. You can hide behind beliefs of all kinds. They can be religious or political beliefs. Or even beliefs about ourselves. For 25 years I hid 41 luminous is embodying the light within me, and allowing it to fill me and radiate out in all that I do. In order for this to happen I need to uncover my light.