Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 32

yourself. Instead of focusing on the enormity of the planet’s problems, though, put your heart and intent to good use closer to home. Work on what you can do to improve your life and the lives of those around you. Small, positive changes that you make in your life today can have a ripple effect that helps others whom you may never meet. 4 Your voice carries power—use it carefully. 5 Look for beauty and good in the world around you. No matter where you live there is beauty and goodness, even if your local TV network doesn’t think it’s important enough to make the evening news. Take a little time each day to find and focus on goodness and beauty in your life. How does this help you? It starts to retrain your brain to focus on life’s blessings even when everyone else only sees darkness. Looking at life from a more positive frame of mind will increase your happiness levels, too. 6 What you say has tremendous power in your life and the lives of others whether spoken aloud or silently. Words help turn your intent into reality. You can lift someone’s spirits or tear them down simply with the words you choose. Being thoughtful and kind with your voice helps you build bridges to others. You can even strengthen your own confidence and self-esteem by paying a little more attention to your internal dialog. Remember, words carry power whether directed inward or outward. Choose words that speak to the miracle you are. 32 Hear the wisdom of your heart by taking time for a little quiet each day. Your heart-voice is the main way higher guidance whispers its wisdom to you. One of the most important things you can do in order to hear that whisper of guidance is to take a little time for quiet each day. Go on a walk through a park, meditate or pray, sit by the seashore, or enjoy a silent session of yoga. Make quiet time a habit and you’ll be rewarded with having a deeper sense of connection to your own internal guidance. | February / March 2019