Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 20

We touch our worth by consciously connecting with all that is beautiful and deeply yearning to live within us. It is not a linear or intellectual process. We experience this through our heart’s felt sensations and by making the decision to embody the totality of our worth. meant to take today to fill up the cells of our honeycomb a little more and create the life we desire. The more we open to the truth of our sacred worth, the more empowered we feel and the easier it becomes to believe that we have a unique genius encoded in us and that we can accomplish our destiny. We touch our worth by consciously connecting with all that is beautiful and deeply yearning to live within us. It is not a linear or intellectual process. We experience this through our heart’s felt sensations and by making the decision to embody the totality of our worth. To continue unfolding, we ask ourselves what action step, we are Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Place your hands on your heart and imagine the most brilliant and radiant star you can. Now allow that star to magnetically pull you towards its vibration until you feel surrounded by its pure illuminated rays. Breathe into and receive its brilliance. Consciously connect with this star, allowing yourself to receive as 20 Once we experience living in a more elevated state of self-worth, we can never go back to where we used to be. We will not be able to tolerate it. There are many portals today to expand our sense of worth. A great practice is to make a list of all of the positive choices that you have made in the past week where you valued yourself. After completing the list, identify one of those actions you took that you feel is alive in your heart right now. Name that feeling and locate it in your body. Now without forcing, let it take up as much volume inside you and describe in writing what you are experiencing. The more you practice this, the faster you will make the shift into vibrational alignment with your worth and eventually it will be your new norm. For another portal, of a more “cosmic revelation” if you are ready, I invited you to enter into this guided meditation: | February / March 2019