Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 69

This is life in all its rawness . The challenges seem insurmountable , the pain too much to bear . You feel you ’ ve hit your limit – you can ’ t take anymore – and you wonder whether you can go on .
So what can you do ? Try one of more of the tips below when the going gets tough .

Call out the Support Team .

Asking “ why ” is a form of resistance , and you will notice the resulting tension as your body constricts , your breath quickens , your muscles ( including your heart ) clamp down , and your distress increases .
From a limited and pain-filled perspective , you may never understand why . It just is . You breathe through it . You feel through it . You go moment by moment through it . Maybe later — much later — you can revisit “ why ” and find some answer that makes sense . Not now .
If you don ’ t have one , start building one now . These are the people you know you can count on . Tell them , as best as you are able , what you need .
Your support team can have several members . It may include a person to cry with or vent to , another you can simply sit and spend time with , and another whose task is to help you manage all the incoming information that your overloaded brain can ’ t take in . Your team may include a neighbor to care for your pets , a co-worker to run interference with job tasks , or someone to set up a Meal Wheel that others can contribute to .
Don ’ t forget to include your spiritual guides . Ask for guidance , comfort , and peace . Feel their loving presence around you . Let yourself be nurtured , nourished , and cared for .

Let Go of “ Why .”

You will likely ask the question , “ Why did this happen ?” “ Why me ?” But you will not find the answer in this highly emotionally time , so don ’ t allow yourself to stay here long .

Be Present to Your Feelings

Your feelings may be a jumbled up mess . Emotions move like waves , at times calm and mild , other times intense and powerful . They can change rapidly , for no apparent reason . Feelings often defy logic . Whatever you feel , it ’ s OK . Sadness , anger , loneliness , fear , despair , doubt , laughter , peace – each emotion has merit . Your feelings are giving you feedback about your experience , sending you messages that need to be recognized and attended to .