Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 36

36 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017
without knowing how I know . Did that make sense ? Let me explain it this way : Have you ever known who was calling you before even looking at the phone ? Have you ever gone a different way to the grocery store on a hunch just to find out the road was shut down because of an accident ? Have you ever had that feeling , ignore it and find yourself stuck in traffic or worse , in the accident ?
Can you see the theme yet ? One of the first steps is to get to know yourself and second is to be open to the things you feel and see . The more open you are to recognizing the feelings and signs that are being sent you , the more you will get . I actually receive many different kinds of communication each day from Spirit . If I ’ m feeling down , it ’ s not a surprise anymore for me to find a feather in my house . If I get distracted at home and am late leaving for an appointment , I don ’ t stress because I know that God needed me to be delayed . Am I always absolutely sure the reason ? No , but I trust that it was for my highest good . Maybe I have missed an accident or hit every green light between home and the destination !
The third important thing is to journal your feelings and findings . You may not notice a trend in your communications without something to refer back to . Now , don ’ t groan about journaling . It doesn ’ t have to be a book each time . Start with a couple of sentences and go from there .
In my opinion , the very most important thing is to make time in your day to truly listen . Quiet yourself , whether through meditation or breathing exercises or your favorite method of making space for Spirit . When you show God that you are ready to be open and receiving , you will receive an answer . While in prayer make sure to stop talking long enough to feel God ’ s presence and guidance .
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Kimberly Tobin - Kimberly is a life coach , business strategist and speaker helping Spiritual women clearly acknowledge and use their gifts to create the life they can fully embrace daily . She is passionate about helping women see the opportunities right in front of them that fear and self-doubt easily hide .
Kimberly works virtually with clients offering transformational programs , presentations and classes at her office in Missouri , as well as beautiful locations around the world . Learn more about Kimberly at www . KimberlyTobin . com and download her free gift : Through Fear to Fabulous – Learning to be You .

“ The more open you are to recognizing the feelings and signs that are being sent you , the more you will get .”

Kimberly Tobin

36 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017