Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 27

# 1 Free yourself of negativity
# 2 Process fear by writing it out
# 3 Feel happiness , joy , and love right now


# 1 Free yourself of negativity

Are you around people who are often negative ? Do you tend to often be negative about things ? Being negative lowers our energy . It is an aspect of our ego mind and , therefore , disconnects us from our true selves . So become aware of when negativity comes up in your life and when you notice it , stop and change the subject or exhale to bring yourself into the present moment .

The only place that we can experience feelings of happiness and joy is through the present moment .

So when you notice fear-based thoughts coming up , get out a journal and start free writing the thoughts . Don ’ t stop to think about the thoughts and feelings but just write it out . Do that until you feel complete . Afterwards you should feel calmer and more relaxed .

# 2 Process fear by writing it out

When we ’ re experiencing thoughts of “ I ’ m not good enough ”, “ I ’ m not worthy ” or “ I don ’ t deserve this ” it is our ego mind talking to prevent us from truly steeping into our true power . While we may want to immediately dismiss these thoughts and try to push them away , that can create more stress and strain within us .
So we need to be sure to process these thoughts by externalizing them somehow . A great way to do this is through journaling . By writing these thoughts and feelings on to paper , they become weaker . As a result , we are better able to then tune into our true inner voice .

# 3 Feel happiness , joy , and love right now

Our ego mind tends to think that “ If we get X , Y , Z , then I will be happy at some time in the future .” This is nothing but a distortion of the reality . The only place that we can experience feelings of happiness and joy is through the present moment .
So the key in finding happiness is by doing things right now to support you in feeling the way you want to feel . Do activities in your life to support those feelings of happiness . Does playing music bring you joy ? Then play music . Does dancing bring you joy ? Then dance .